Sunday, April 13, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #10: Citizen jounalism

Citizen Journalism is the act of citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information" ("Citizen Journalism", 2006). Everyone can be a citizen journalist; it is not just exclusive to certain members of the public. Citizen Journalism represents the voices of the public sphere which sometimes fails to catch the attention of the media.

STOMP stands for ‘Straits Times Online Mobile Print’ and it integrates content and activities in the three platforms of print, online and mobile. One the one hand, it delivers content which helps develop new communities of local Singaporean that bond together with similar interests. It is a great way to offer the community better and deeper coverage than is possible with a lone professional reporter. It creates vigilance among the public and also acts as a social interaction tool, as news is captured and compiled on a website where various members of the public are able to view. One point to note: As Singapore’s culture differs differently from the western cultures where Singaporeans tend to be more old fashioned and conservative, Citizen journalism in Singapore just might be classified an invasion of privacy. However, is this form of a new breed of journalism the ideal form of journalism or would it even be effective in bringing news to the public?

A car crash, illegal parking, couples fighting in the open, public displays of affections (PDA) or ugly Singaporean behaviour; these make good fodder for gossip and are more often than not, the selling point of STOMP. In my opinion, these are not to be considered as "news stories". They are merely gossip articles that should be thrown in the same category as tabloids and other skanky news. I mean, who really wants to know what couples do in public? Or view Singaporeans going at it again (in the true essence of what Singaporeans are known for)? It's a waste of time to even bother reporting these pieces of "news" and they should not even be considered as "news-worthy". Let's just leave proper news reporting to the professionals okay?

News reporting would only go hay-wire if news content could be left to individuals (many of whom do not now the least about writing and journalism) to decide what is news-worthy, or what goes into the content and what makes up the scope of the online paper. Citizen journalism should be simply left as just that - articles which citizens post online simply for the sake of airing their views or venting their frustrations and incidents which left them bitter. And the proper news writing should be left to teh professionals, the gate-keepers who decide the agenda of the news content.

COM 125 - Entry #9: Multimedia & Marketing

Multimedia is defined as "a computer-based interactive communications process that incorporates text, graphics, sound, animation, and video." It usually comprises of a highly interactive interface to allow the user to fully himself/herself in the experience of visiting the site. This means that the site one visits is structured based on a non-linear user interface. It is one which is more dynamic and can lead to many window pop-ups and "routes" to take; kind of like on a scenic journey which i think contributes to the dynamic and interactive nature of the multimedia function.

From the marketing standpoint, it would be extremely difficult to create a website which is highly interactive and user-friendly at the same time; however, formt he user's perspective, a site like that would be a hit with many users as this feature is what keeps sites interesting and gives an organization its edge over others in a similar industry competing for the same market segment.

Taking "Nokia" as an example, it has made use of the many tabs on its top tool bar to indicate the various areas a user might be interested to further explore. It is also split into different regions in which nokia is based around the world. Nokia has many unique advertisements which seemingly tell a story with each new product they advertise and seek to promote. The latest advertisement incorporates a story-telling element in promoting the new phone, which is really creative in my opinion.

Apart from companies employing multimedia to engage the audience, there are also many other up-and-rising organizations which act as agents for other companies to help promote the brand name, provide business solutions, and use social media tools to aid these companies achieve their goals whatever they may be.

Marketing has reached a new level and is progressing really quickly. Cmpanies have to keep up with their developments of risk losing out on valuable profits.

Friday, April 4, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #8: Internet Politics

The internet is a pervasive form of media that is now used extensively in the arena of politics. Presidential candidates such as Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton have both engaged the social media via social networking sites. Past candidates have also been known to engage the social media to promote themselves and their party in the recent years.

Research and studies done on this topic has generated a few key findings. Basically, the internet and the social media is only a tool to aid presidential candidates in terms of increasing their visibility on the web with the aim of garnering more votes. It has also been found that voters who are more highly educated, tend to seek out more political information on the internet, and thus, are more well-informed when it comes to making a sound vote. Moreover, the number of votes have been increasing ever since the advent of the internet, and the increasing popularity of the social media that has contributed towards tis phenonmenon.

However, engaging the social media and its applications may also pose as a threat to these presidential candidates. For one, a constant lookout is required 24/7 where blogs are concerned. Content posted online must be constantly monitored; feedback must also be promptly attended to and problems must be rectified ASAP. This is to ensure that a uniformed and positive image is projected all throughout, which is essential in maintaining a "clean, positive image" to portray to all.
Hi hi, I'm back after having been busy with all our other research papers and projects and presentations! =) Gonna catch up on my blogs now... catch it live on Danza Fiesta! wahahaha.