Sunday, April 13, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #10: Citizen jounalism

Citizen Journalism is the act of citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information" ("Citizen Journalism", 2006). Everyone can be a citizen journalist; it is not just exclusive to certain members of the public. Citizen Journalism represents the voices of the public sphere which sometimes fails to catch the attention of the media.

STOMP stands for ‘Straits Times Online Mobile Print’ and it integrates content and activities in the three platforms of print, online and mobile. One the one hand, it delivers content which helps develop new communities of local Singaporean that bond together with similar interests. It is a great way to offer the community better and deeper coverage than is possible with a lone professional reporter. It creates vigilance among the public and also acts as a social interaction tool, as news is captured and compiled on a website where various members of the public are able to view. One point to note: As Singapore’s culture differs differently from the western cultures where Singaporeans tend to be more old fashioned and conservative, Citizen journalism in Singapore just might be classified an invasion of privacy. However, is this form of a new breed of journalism the ideal form of journalism or would it even be effective in bringing news to the public?

A car crash, illegal parking, couples fighting in the open, public displays of affections (PDA) or ugly Singaporean behaviour; these make good fodder for gossip and are more often than not, the selling point of STOMP. In my opinion, these are not to be considered as "news stories". They are merely gossip articles that should be thrown in the same category as tabloids and other skanky news. I mean, who really wants to know what couples do in public? Or view Singaporeans going at it again (in the true essence of what Singaporeans are known for)? It's a waste of time to even bother reporting these pieces of "news" and they should not even be considered as "news-worthy". Let's just leave proper news reporting to the professionals okay?

News reporting would only go hay-wire if news content could be left to individuals (many of whom do not now the least about writing and journalism) to decide what is news-worthy, or what goes into the content and what makes up the scope of the online paper. Citizen journalism should be simply left as just that - articles which citizens post online simply for the sake of airing their views or venting their frustrations and incidents which left them bitter. And the proper news writing should be left to teh professionals, the gate-keepers who decide the agenda of the news content.

COM 125 - Entry #9: Multimedia & Marketing

Multimedia is defined as "a computer-based interactive communications process that incorporates text, graphics, sound, animation, and video." It usually comprises of a highly interactive interface to allow the user to fully himself/herself in the experience of visiting the site. This means that the site one visits is structured based on a non-linear user interface. It is one which is more dynamic and can lead to many window pop-ups and "routes" to take; kind of like on a scenic journey which i think contributes to the dynamic and interactive nature of the multimedia function.

From the marketing standpoint, it would be extremely difficult to create a website which is highly interactive and user-friendly at the same time; however, formt he user's perspective, a site like that would be a hit with many users as this feature is what keeps sites interesting and gives an organization its edge over others in a similar industry competing for the same market segment.

Taking "Nokia" as an example, it has made use of the many tabs on its top tool bar to indicate the various areas a user might be interested to further explore. It is also split into different regions in which nokia is based around the world. Nokia has many unique advertisements which seemingly tell a story with each new product they advertise and seek to promote. The latest advertisement incorporates a story-telling element in promoting the new phone, which is really creative in my opinion.

Apart from companies employing multimedia to engage the audience, there are also many other up-and-rising organizations which act as agents for other companies to help promote the brand name, provide business solutions, and use social media tools to aid these companies achieve their goals whatever they may be.

Marketing has reached a new level and is progressing really quickly. Cmpanies have to keep up with their developments of risk losing out on valuable profits.

Friday, April 4, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #8: Internet Politics

The internet is a pervasive form of media that is now used extensively in the arena of politics. Presidential candidates such as Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton have both engaged the social media via social networking sites. Past candidates have also been known to engage the social media to promote themselves and their party in the recent years.

Research and studies done on this topic has generated a few key findings. Basically, the internet and the social media is only a tool to aid presidential candidates in terms of increasing their visibility on the web with the aim of garnering more votes. It has also been found that voters who are more highly educated, tend to seek out more political information on the internet, and thus, are more well-informed when it comes to making a sound vote. Moreover, the number of votes have been increasing ever since the advent of the internet, and the increasing popularity of the social media that has contributed towards tis phenonmenon.

However, engaging the social media and its applications may also pose as a threat to these presidential candidates. For one, a constant lookout is required 24/7 where blogs are concerned. Content posted online must be constantly monitored; feedback must also be promptly attended to and problems must be rectified ASAP. This is to ensure that a uniformed and positive image is projected all throughout, which is essential in maintaining a "clean, positive image" to portray to all.
Hi hi, I'm back after having been busy with all our other research papers and projects and presentations! =) Gonna catch up on my blogs now... catch it live on Danza Fiesta! wahahaha.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #6: Protection & Prevention Methods

The following are some ways of protecting your computer in the following areas:
1) Email
The computer viruses that have historically caused the most damage (such as Melissa and LoveLetter) are those that spread via e-mail. A basic plain text e-mail message is unable to transmit a virus. It is attachments to e-mail messages that potentially contain the hazard. Unexpected attachments or those from unknown senders should be deleted. Attachments sent from known and trusted sources may also contain viruses -- it's a good practice to contact the sender to confirm that the attachment is legitimate before opening.
Tips to help avoid contracting and spreading e-mail viruses: Do not open or run unknown attachments!
If you are unsure about what an attachment is or what it does, leave it alone. If you have determined that an attachment is a virus, delete the email and the attachment. Documents and spreadsheets can contain viruses!

Microsoft Word documents (.doc files) and Excel spreadsheets (.xls files) can potentially contain a type of virus known as a macro virus. Do not open these types of attachments unless you have enabled macro protection in Word and Excel. For detailed instructions on how to enable macro protection see
Word-Enable Macro Protection and/or Excel-Enable Macro Protection. With macro protection enabled, Word or Excel will give you the option to enable/disable a macro for each document/spreadsheet you open. In general, you should open documents with macros disabled unless you know specifically what the macro does.
Pay particular attention to executable attachments!
Common extensions for executable files are:
.exe (executable files)
.vbs (Visual Basic scripting files)
.js (Javascript files)
.com (command files)
.bat (batch files)
.reg (registry files)
The only file types that are definitely safe are those that end with:
.txt (text files)
.rtf (Rich Text Format files)
Look for unexpected or multiple file extensions
If the subject line or the body of an e-mail states that the attachment is a certain type of file or if the file icon implies a certain type of file and the file extension does not match, delete the file. Also delete the file if it has multiple extensions such as picture.gif.exe. This is not really a picture file but an executable program that could potentially be a virus. If you trust the sender, contact that person to determine what you were supposed to have received.

2) Sharing Network Drives
Any time that you share a directory or a hard drive so that others on your local network can access them, you are opening yourself up to the risk of infection or malicious tampering. For this reason, we recommend that you do not share any of your files or folders over the network without the approval of your local network administrator. If you do choose to share your resources over the network, here are some precautions to take.
Share as little and as safely as possible.

1. Do not share your entire hard drive.
2. Do not share your root (C:\) directory or any of your Windows directories.
3. Don't give "Write" access! Set the access permissions to your shared folders to "Read." With "Read" access, others can still copy and see files in your shared directory but they cannot make changes to your files or delete them and if they can't, then neither can a virus.
4. Password protect your shared folders! Protecting your shared directories with passwords will limit access to only those individuals with whom you have entrusted the password.

Antivirus programs can be configured to regularly check your computer or even your incoming e-mail attachments for viruses. Because viruses are being constantly created or changed, it is important to use a program that provides regular updates. University Affiliates can obtain Symantec Antivirus free of charge by visiting
DoIT's Security Site .Apple users should note that there are currently no wild viruses for MacOS 10, and thus at present Antivirus clients for MacOS 10 are unnecessary burdens.
a. Update your antivirus program regularly:
New or modified viruses are regularly unleashed on the Internet. Updating your antivirus software so that it contains the latest virus definitions will decrease the likelihood that you are affected by a new type of virus. Here are links to the virus updates for the most popular anti-virus programs.
1) Norton Anti-virus for both Mac and PC
McAfee Anti-virus for both Mac and PC

b. Check for security updates for your system:
Microsoft and Apple both regularly release security updates that fix security holes in the Windows and in the Macintosh operating systems. These holes make your system more susceptible to viruses and allow them to be spread more easily.

COM 125 - Entry #6: Cybercrime news reported in Singapore

Cybercrime is by far, one of the most difficult crimes to prove and give concrete evidence due to the widespread nature of the Internet. Of the few reports that cybercrimes were actually reported, and the criminal dealt with, many others go unreported and are simply termed as "unfounded claims" for lack of enough concrete evidence or the inability to trace the souce and track down the culprits. For example, the report "Washington State Man Pleads Guilty To Charges Of Transmitting Internet Virus" - 15 Feb 2007, is only one of the success stories. Of the 7 cybercrimes reported in 2007, i'm sure many others go unreported. This is one of the downsides of the prevalence of the Internet, despite its many uses and advantages.

One of the ways this criminal used to spread his malware was to send messages to IRC users that invited users to click on a link to a website. Once a user clicked on that link, they were connected to another computer and the malware was downloaded to that user's computer, creating a backdoor access to the computer of which the user was unaware. Users of the DarkMyst system were infected by clicking on a link disguised as a link to a movie. When they clicked on that link, other malware was downloaded. Once the backdoor was discovered, users had to spend time, money and resources to remove the unwanted code.

Not only does this take up valuable time and money to remove the malware, it is also destructive and malicious. Losing valuable information, documents and resources in the process can be very frustrating and leads to the employment of more resources to 'clean' it up.

Friday, February 22, 2008

COM 125: Cont'd Entry #4 - Elearning

A few years back, many projected that eLearning will become the major
medium of adult learning, replacing conventional methods of classroom lectures. However, recent studies indicate that although eLearning has registered a substantial growth, its penetration among the organizations is far below the projected level. Many reasons are attributed for this resistance to adapt eLearning. Among them, the three important ones are:
1. Huge initial cost of implementation
2. Long lead-time for development of courseware
3. Skepticism about the effectiveness of eLearning

The first two reasons can be attributed to the problem of perception from the industry’s point of view. Although eLearning requires huge initial investment, organizations generally overlook the benefit of the long-term return on investment. Similarly, organizations do not seem to consider the huge time saving on a long run, although the
initial lead time for courseware creation may be high. These reasons make up the 3rd factor of skepticism.

A.The following are some of the reasons that might demotivate learners from using elearning technology:
· Unattractive presentation
· Boring style of writing
· Undefined / ambiguous learning objectives
· Irrelevant content
· Too simple or too complex content
· Too much to grasp in one go

B.Other elements that can create learning blocks:
1) Inappropriate use of media:
Use of irrelevant graphics, excessive animations, flashy banners and logos, inappropriate audio effects will distract the learners’ attention and even irritate them creating a block for
proceeding further.
2) Unexplained terms and concepts:
In a smooth flowing content, sudden occurrence of a new term or a concept, if not explained properly at its first occurrence may cause a block. It may be a good idea, to give hyperlinked
pop-up boxes to explain them briefly, in case the learners require assistance.
3) Content flow disconnect / unstructured content:
As discussed earlier, the logical flow of chunks of information is very important for making the content effective. If the learners do not see a structure or if they have to go back and forth to put some pieces of information to make some sense, it will discourage them to proceed further.
4) De-motivating feedback:
While it is a good idea to test the learners’ progress in between the course by using formative assessments, the feedback should always be positive. Prolonged negative feedback will demotivate the learners and reduce their confidence level, creating a major learning block.
I do not really agree with this fourth "learning block", it doesn't make sense to simply heap constant praises on students' progress simply for the sake of retaining the students' interest and attention to continue using the program or online course. This is unrealistic and would not serve in the student's best interest.

C.Ways to improve effectiveness of eLearning content:
1) Know you target audience and their learning preferences:
The better, one knows the target audience and their learning preferences, the more effective, he/she will be able to develop the content. It is very important to review and re-review the content at the development stage with an eye on the end users and make sure that it will work for them.
2) Define clear learning objectives and work the content around them:
You need to be very clear about the objectives and outcome of the learning content, and more significantly, you should be able to clearly communicate to your learners up front, before they take a plunge.
3) Use of Keller’s ARCS model and Gagne’s events of instruction:
John Keller (1987) created the ARCS model describing the factors for learners’ motivation. Keller’s synthesis recommends that the four important factors for keeping the learners motivated are:
· Attention
· Relevance
· Confidence
· Satisfaction
The content should create attention of the learner, be relevant to his requirements, give the learner confidence during the process of learning and finally offer a satisfactory learning experience. It is always better to remember ARCS while developing the content.
Gagne’s nine learning events are the most popular and effective model for creating eLearning contents. Gagne proposed that the content should have nine distinct instructional events to be effective. They are:
(1) Gaining attention (reception)
(2) Informing learners of the objective (expectancy)
(3) Stimulating recall of prior learning (retrieval)
(4) Presenting the stimulus (selective perception)
(5) Providing learning guidance (semantic encoding)
(6) Eliciting performance (responding)
(7) Providing feedback (reinforcement)
(8) Assessing performance (retrieval)
(9) Enhancing retention and transfer (generalization).
These events should serve as the basis for designing instruction and selecting
appropriate media (Gagne, Briggs & Wager, 1992).
4) Use of interactivity / Games / Simulations:
Using interactivity in eLearning contents has many benefits. It keeps the learners involved, breaks the monotony of a single way communication, enhances the learning experience by participation and facilitates active experimentation (a component of Colb’s Learning cycle). Many theories indicate that learning by doing improves the retention of knowledge. "Creative presentations afford the opportunity for students to reach their social,
artistic and emotional goals. But more importantly, in these contexts learning becomes more enjoyable. Learners exercise choice and creativity, and there is a minimum amount of negative pressure."– says Dan Yaman, President of LearningWare, Inc.
5) Use of real life scenarios:
Cognitive Theories say that any new information is compared to existing cognitive structures called ‘schema’. Meaningful information is easier to learn and remember. If a learner links relatively meaningless information with prior schema it will be easier to retain. (Wittrock, Marks, & Doctorow, 1975, in Good and Brophy,
1990). Hence, use of real life scenarios and examples helps the learner to relate the new information with already familiar situations, improving the effectiveness of knowledge transfer and retention.
6) Facilitated learning:
One of the draw backs of eLearning is that the learners are left to learn on their own. In case the learners need assistance, there is no one to guide them. But with the present technology, self-paced eLearning can be supplemented with facilitators, by way of Webminars, simple chat, voice chat, video conferencing, asynchronous and on-line tutoring and so on.
7) Setting up of ’Communities of Practice’:
It is a proven fact that the learners learn more effectively from peers than trainers. In order to encourage peer learning, some of the facilities, such as discussion board, blogs and groups can be used effectively.
8) Podcasting/ mobile audio contents as supplements:
With new media, such as i-pod, podcasting, blogs and wikis picking up, the content supplements in these media may be used for reinforcing knowledge.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #4: New Microsoft Technology

Sept. 27, 2002--University of Delaware researchers, Elias and Wayne Westerman, UD visiting assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, have developed a technology that goes well beyond the mouse and mechanical keyboard. The FingerWorks name fits because the technology uses a touch pad and a range of finger motions to communicate commands and keys to the computer. To open a file, you rotate your hand as if opening a jar; to zoom or de-zoom, you expand or contract your hand.

Elias said the communication power of their system is “thousands of times greater” than that of a mouse, which uses just a single moving point as the main input. Using this new technology, two human hands provide 10 points of contact, with a wide range of motion for each, thus providing thousands of different patterns, each of which can mean something different to the computer. This is not just a little step in improving the mouse, this is the first step in a new way of communicating with the computer through gestures and the movements of your hands. This is, after all, one of the ways humans interact. By mimicking these simple hand gestures, technology and the computer will become an integral part of our lives if it already isn’t.I think that this invention/evolution changes the way people make use of what was once the keyboard and will be, in the near future –a touch pad which fits like a glove and works by simulating common-sensical hand gestures to operate the computer. The computer also is transformed from what was merely a CPU, a monitor and a keyboard, is now a clear screen whereby images are projected onto it, seemingly like magic, with pictures plucked out from nowhere. Maybe one day, we would wake up to a “world” like that of Minority Report, whereby a very complex gestural language between man and machine exists.

The system is a multi-touch, zero force technology, meaning the gestures and movements use all the fingers in a light and subtle manner. Because of that, the system has a second major advantage over the mouse and mechanical keyboard because it can greatly reduce stress injuries such as tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome attributed to traditional computer work.

The touch pad acts like a video camera, recording the objects touching its surface. An embedded microprocessor then applies an algorithmic process to convert those touches into commands understood by the computer. “To observers watching somebody use multi-touch, it looks a little like magic,” Elias said, illustrating his point on a computer in Evans Hall. “People see lots of things happening on the computer screen but very little hand motion is observed.”

He said the system has been designed so the gestures used make sense for the operation being performed. For instance, you cut text with a pinch and paste it with a flick. Eventually, he said, the computer password could be a gesture known only to the user. To end off, I believe this is one invention and evolution of technology that can really make a huge impact in the world of business and in our everyday lives. For the better or worse, it’s still too soon to tell. Technology – boon or bane of our lives? You decide.


Friday, February 8, 2008

A shadow of her former lively, carefree self,
She sank down on the creaky spiral staircase...
In her crimson-soaked dress of lace and silk...
Pearls of tears rolling down her pale, drawn face...
A sigh of exhaustion escapes her lips..
And she collaspes in a tangled heap at the bottom of the dark stairs.
i wish i were blind...
so i wouldn't be able to see the hideous reflection...
and the monstrous nature of this world...
take the hurt away...
release me...
let numbness set in.
intoxicate me with pain.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Like a dagger to my heart...
You stab me once, stab me twice, stab me thrice,
stabbing away til im cold as ice.
Tears keep flowing... i don't know why.
Yet without emotion, i cry.

slit your wrists and hope to die...

Do you ever get the feeling that you'll never be good enough no matter how hard you try and try? A worthless piece of junk, simply another statistic figure to add to the ever growing population. So insignificant and small. So worthless, empty and unloved.

How unkind can people be. Don't speak, if words are but a dagger to the heart. Don't love, if that is but an idea so abstract and difficult to grasp. Don't laugh, if laughter only seeks to mask the malice in your heart. Don't smile, if that's but a mask you wear.

So tired. So very tired. So drained. So emotionally drained. So afraid. So afraid to love, to embrace, to laugh, to smile, to be happy. Only to have all you have taken from you. So afraid, yes very afraid to get taken advantaged of, yet once again. No more. The heart can't take it no more. Enough, you say. But will the heart ever stop feeling? Yes, when numbness sets in, then maybe all the hurt, all the pain, would disappear. But until then, more pain must first be felt. So pills and alcohol are your best friends.

But dancing will be my love forever.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Quote of the day... ...

QuizGalaxy.comWhat's your Insightful Quote?
"Inspiration and genius -- one and the same."
- Victor Hugo
'What is your Insightful Quote?' at

Bling bling!

Cynthia Pills:

Will cause night blindness

'What effect do you have on people?' at

Dance Dance baby.. Ooh!

You are a seductive dancer

Look out! You are the hottest thing on the dance floor. No one can resist your charms and you’ve perfected your dancing as a means of scoring. Everybody knows that if you are a good dancer, you’ll probably bring your rhythm to the bedroom which is a huge turn on for your admirers.

Take this quiz at


Your Love Quote

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #3: E-Commerce & E-Marketing

E-business is defined as "a secure, flexible, and integtrated approach to delivering differentiated business value by combining the systems and processes that run core business operations with the simplicity and reach made possible by Internet technology." ( In short, E-business is the function of deploying technology to maximize custoemr value while E-commerce is the function of creating exchange over digital media. (Kalakota and Robinson, 1999.)

The WWW changes the traditional landscape of the business environment from that of being a Marketplace to a Marketspace. The impact of this digitization is evident in the following changes:

1. Content of transaction - information about a product often relaces the product itself.
2. Context of transaction - electronic screen replaces face-to-face transaction.
3. The enabling infrastructure of transactions is different - computers and communications infrastructure may replace physical resources.

A) The top 10 key factors why some E-Commerce businesses succeed:

1. Accessibility
2. Works at the Convenience of customers.
3. Transactions are done in real-time.
4. Products/Services offered are unique and one of a kind.
5. Ability to Customize products or tailor services to customers' needs.
6. Cost-effectiveness; Product/Service offered is the cheapest in the market.
7. Product/Service offered is the best in the market, or is the most established & reputable brand name.
8. Brand name is familiar to customers.
9. Website is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
10. Website is attractive.

B) Top 10 reasons why some E-Commerce businesses fail:

1. Issue of Fraud.
2. Internal politics within the company.
3. Channel conflict
4. Strong Competition faced within the market.
5. Copyright issues and the issue of fake or imitation goods.
6. No assurance of Secure transactions.
7. The ease with which customers can access other "online stores" and compare prices may lead to a loss in customer loyalty.
8. Expensive items sold.
9. No strong or unique edge/selling point.
10. Website is difficult to navigate.

C) How to make E-Marketing a success?

Now, with the prevalence of the online community and so many flagships stores and established brand names coming into the market and branching out into an online store as well, it gets increasingly difficult to differentiate one store from another. Products and services offered are similar and cannot vary much. Thus, the only way to create a "Competitive marketing edge" and win your competitors hands down would be stand for something unique or to offer your customers a uniqueness found only YOUR "online stores". One must also possess the aforementioned factors in order to make E-Marketing a success.

D) Security, Privacy & Legal issues for E-Business

The copyright environment of the WWW is virtually boundless. Any information published online may be susceptible to being replicated, the issue of fraud and privacy issues are also other concerns. Currently, there is no legal framework for the WWW that is binding on a global scale. As the rules governing the Internet are still being determined, hence the right of a Web entrepreneur are being defined with the develoment of the Internet itself.

As for the potential abuses of data collected on the WWW, the only consensus seems to lie in finding ways to protect data integrity while educating the various stakeholders. The one certainty that prevails today is that consumers need to be informed of the data collection activities of a firm and the use/trading of such data must be by consent of the consumer. This serves as the only consolation for consumers now while the other rules and regulations are being figured out.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Your Scent is Key Lime

Sassy, real, and totally smooth
You're a total flirt who's always ready for a challenge!
Your Inner Muse is Melpomene

You are most like this muse of tragedy.
While you aren't depressed, you don't shy away from sadness.
Although you do tend to be gloomy, you have a sensitive side.
And this sensitive side helps inspire and help others.
Your Gemstone is Amber

Creative, happy, and logical.
You shine in any intellectual endeavor

Genuine or real-ly fake...

You Are 83% Real

There's hardly a person on this earth more real than you are.
You have no problem showing people who you are, flaws and all.
For you, there couldn't be any other way. Because it's way too stressful to live an inauthentic life.
You're very comfortable with yourself. And because of this, you're able to live an exciting, interesting, and challenging life.


You are 93% Aquarius

A Player... ... Me? No way!

You Are a Total Player!

Congratulations, when it comes to the game of love, you're a pro.
Not only are you an expert player, you are a highly evolved one.
For you, dating is like a game of chess - with a much happier ending.
And you adeptly alter your moves, depending on who's in the game.

What's in a name?

What Cynthia Low Yan Ling Means

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

Seductress... winkz

Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover

You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you!
Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter.
You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you.

You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable
Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life
By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.

Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives.
Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours.
No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #2: Second Life - A Reality or a virtual game?

Second Life.

There was quite a lot of hype about it a few months back. I came across this virtual game in an article in Newsweek. It talked about what "Second Life" was all about - kinda like a cross between a networking site like facebook and those games whereby you build your own zoo kinda thing, except that this is modelled after the "real world" whereby 'residents' can acquire companies and buy property and the like - very similar to the real world here. Even their currency (Linden dollars) used can be converted to USD, which is interesting but it is this very fact that make me wonder if the inclusion of this special feature of the virtual game would bring about disastrous effects.

The lure of creating a new identity for oneself is and can be liberating, but it also can be damaging. Damaging to one's life, whereby one is so absorbed with playing their online persona that it takes over their life and they begin to 'live' in the virtual world more so than in the real world and lose sense of reality in turn.

One interesting fact i read about that was related to the introduction of "Second Life" was that a couple actually got engaged and eventually married through the platform for networking that Second Life provides. The article actually stated that the couple fell in love with one another's alter ego first, and eventually the person behind their on-screen personas. Personally, I find it difficult to believe that true love can happen through this, or any online social networking site for that matter. It's just fake and unnatural cos one can post anything they want and appear in the specific or present an idealized image of themselves through these networking sites. How someone can say they love someone they just met online (like a total stranger) does not make sense to me. Don't you have to know that person and be able to observe or at least interact with him/her for awhile before being able to get what he/she is about? Finding love online? I really don't believe in that. But, oh well, to each his own.

Friday, January 25, 2008

~~~~~ " The Mist " ~~~~~~

Wow. "The Mist" is an amazing horror film. Normally, I wouldn't catch horror films cos i think they're cheap and blood and gore is just not my cup of tea. But "The Mist" based on the novel by Stephen King is damn good. Pardon my french. The tale is based on fear and touches on taboo topics of religion and reveals the sad and disgusting nature of mankind. It shows how mankind would revert to primitive animals and behave like cavemen should rules, regulations, society and the government be removed. Well basically, it shows how people act and react to situations when uniforms are stripped away. Phrases like, "It's a dog-eat-dog world", "Survival of the fittest", and "Every man for himself" come to mind while i watched the movie. I think what's really frightening is the realization of the basal instincts of human nature - the brutality of it all. It's really kinda similar to the novel - "Lord of the Flies" by Willaim Golding.

The setting of the movie was in a supermarket store that once had people going about running their daily errands which had now turned into a santuary for the people trapped in the store due to the mist which had enveloped the entire city. The movie kept its viewers in suspense which made it interesting and kept us on the edge of our seats. As it turns out, scientists had apparently opened the door to another dimension which had led the blood-thirsty, flesh-eating 'monsters' into our world. However, i believe this is but a representation of the nature of mankind. Whatever 'monsters' seen outside the store were merely hallucinations in their minds. Instead, it was fear of the uknown that led to the death of so many.

The two scenes which left the greatest impact on me was when people turn into a mob and they lose whatsoever rationality they once possessed and the herd syndrome takes over. There was this lady probably in her 40's who believed in God so strongly and was preaching to the people trapped in the store. They considered her to be a lunatic at first, but when her predictions and proclaimations about the verses in the Bible came true, the majority turned to her for some form of leadership. This clearly shows that people prefer stability to chaos. (Although most teens would say "rules are meant to be broken".) Also, it showed how people try to cling onto whatever glimmer of hope they manage to find so as to maintain their sanity. I actually cried when the mob lost all rationality and offered an innocent soldier as a sacrifice to the 'monsters' outside. The fact that the once perfectly logical human beings turning into a mob and acting based on instincts rather than on sense and rationality is frightening as who knows what the other would do once coherent thoughts and logic are thrown out the window. Also, the fact the glass windows were shattered by ginormous 'monster' flies signifies the intrusion of irrationality, fear and the basal instaincts of human nature.

The movie also touches on the sensitive topic of religion. "God" is mentioned frequently in the movie and a negative portrayal of the nature of God was shown which made me angry. God doesn't tell his people to kill or sacrifice others for their own survival. That is not the teachings of God! That explains why i got so mad when they sacrificed the poor soldier boy to the 'monster' for their own 'salvation'. It really doesn't reflect God teachings..

Maybe for some other viewers, they tend to overlook these underlying issues of religion and the nature of mankind cos they watch it purely for the entertainment value alone. But, i'm someone who thinks quite alot and like to ponder and reflect upon the hidden meanings behind every story, be it in a film, a novel or during interactions between individuals. "Protege" was also another movie which left a deep impact on me and opened my eyes up to the side of life - one which was filled with drugs, alcohol and abuse. I think it was that movie which made me swear never to try drugs.
" Beauty is fleeting & Charm is deceitful, but Grace is everlasting.... "

My First Blog ever! yay.

Wow. This is my first blog ever in 21 years! Someone congratulate me quick.heh. No, maybe i should thank my lecturer - Mr Abel Choy cos without him and if not for this course (COM 125: Introduction to the Internet), I would never have set up a blog.

In the past, bloggers to me were simply a bunch of attention-seeking individuals shameless enough to post pictures of themselves in various compromising positions with the hot favourite being the one with a girl looking innocently up at the camera with her doe-eyes big and bright, with the camera focusing on her boobs for all to see. Please, don't give us sore eyes. Pardon my narrow-minded perspective on bloggers as such. I just feel it screams desperate. And even if you are honey, don't shout it. Cos who's gonna pay attention to you if they know you crave for it?

But i believe that there are many different types of bloggers, and that a blog is now used for more uses than one such as posting the daily mundane happenings of one's life. Blogs now are used in the context of doing "business", whereby bloggers sell products and services to others who visit their blog. The most popular ones being the sale of women's clothes and accessories. Guilty am i of browing these blogs and even having made one online purchase, only to find out to my disappointment that the item did not meet my expectations. Well, once bitten, twice shy. I'm never gonna do online shopping ever again. With the only exception being Victoria's Secrets of course! =)

Blogs work as forums and discussion channels too. They are useful in keeping members of an organization or club intact adn updated on the latest events and happenings, which i think is really cool. Blogs are just one of the tools which have made an impact on our lives and changed the way people communicate.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

COM 125 - Entry #1: History of the Internet & the Web as a Social Media

The Internet is a pervasive form of media that has transformed the lives of millions around the globe. With just a click of the button, one is connected to the Internet and can network with other like-minded individuals. The Internet is now an integral part of our lives which we cannot do without. Work, play, entertainment and networking all take place on the net.
Computers and the Internet has evolved to an extent that has become so powerful and is a tool that collects and encompasses all the knowledge available to mankind. It's difficult to imagine even a day without using technology. Human beings have become so accustomed to handphones, e-mails, MSN messenger service and other applications that we simply cannot do without them and find our lives miserable if we even do without them for just a day.
In our first lesson, i've learnt about the internal workings of the Internet, the ways in which computer networks are connected and other network protocols. I have to admit, i'm not tech savvy or anything like that, so it was all pretty new to me. =)

The web as a social media is a relatively new concept introduced in the 21st century. The idea of the web as a social media has pushed the boundaries and created endless possibilities for netizens alike. A "social media" comprises of the following elements: participation from audiences, openness to feedback, "conversation" - whereby content is transmitted and is viewed as a 2-way route, on-line communities, and connectedness. These 5 elements have enabled the internet to evolve into a tool that is so powerful (that can be misused and result in disastrous effects) and can work to your advantage or disadvantage. Weblogs and social networks are applications that are so common nowadays that the majority of us have at least one account on either or both of them. Social networking sites such as Friendster, MySpace and Facebook have become very popular with not just teenagers and young working adults, but also with celebrities and ministers as well. It is a new form of media that has gained popularity almost overnight with many, as the possibilities one can do with the use of these networking sites and blogs are semingly endless. Social networking sites allow the individual to interact with other individuals without even leaving the privacy and comfort of their homes.

The fact that the Internet has now evolved to such an extent is indeed a scary thought to behold. Although this evolution has indeed created many advantages for netizens and individuals alike, however, i believe this phenomena might create problems in the future. Artificial intelligence is not a reality that is far from us. It already is happening now and here. Who knows what might be possible in the near future? Why do i say that artificial intelligence may do us more harm than good? This is why. Let consider a scenario whereby everything is automated whereby a central "brain" controls, monitors, and even alerts you when you run out of a particular product in your fridge or bathroom for instance. No one would have to travel to the supermarket to do their weekend shopping. This may lead and contribute to even more health problems such as obesity or psychological problems of boredom and insanity. Or, the reverse might be true - people would be so preoccupied with technology and its applications that we have no more time for leisure. Should that happen, then i question what the meaning in life is? Everything would be automated, technology would be so advanced, seemingly parallel to the likes of the movies - " Artificial Intelligence" , "Minority Report" and "Gattaca". Who would have time to wake up and smell the roses? Who would take the time to take a stroll in the park? To laugh? To catch up with friends over a cup of coffee? Face-to-face interaction would be diminished, and the joy of surprises and the unexpected would be long gone.