Friday, January 25, 2008

~~~~~ " The Mist " ~~~~~~

Wow. "The Mist" is an amazing horror film. Normally, I wouldn't catch horror films cos i think they're cheap and blood and gore is just not my cup of tea. But "The Mist" based on the novel by Stephen King is damn good. Pardon my french. The tale is based on fear and touches on taboo topics of religion and reveals the sad and disgusting nature of mankind. It shows how mankind would revert to primitive animals and behave like cavemen should rules, regulations, society and the government be removed. Well basically, it shows how people act and react to situations when uniforms are stripped away. Phrases like, "It's a dog-eat-dog world", "Survival of the fittest", and "Every man for himself" come to mind while i watched the movie. I think what's really frightening is the realization of the basal instincts of human nature - the brutality of it all. It's really kinda similar to the novel - "Lord of the Flies" by Willaim Golding.

The setting of the movie was in a supermarket store that once had people going about running their daily errands which had now turned into a santuary for the people trapped in the store due to the mist which had enveloped the entire city. The movie kept its viewers in suspense which made it interesting and kept us on the edge of our seats. As it turns out, scientists had apparently opened the door to another dimension which had led the blood-thirsty, flesh-eating 'monsters' into our world. However, i believe this is but a representation of the nature of mankind. Whatever 'monsters' seen outside the store were merely hallucinations in their minds. Instead, it was fear of the uknown that led to the death of so many.

The two scenes which left the greatest impact on me was when people turn into a mob and they lose whatsoever rationality they once possessed and the herd syndrome takes over. There was this lady probably in her 40's who believed in God so strongly and was preaching to the people trapped in the store. They considered her to be a lunatic at first, but when her predictions and proclaimations about the verses in the Bible came true, the majority turned to her for some form of leadership. This clearly shows that people prefer stability to chaos. (Although most teens would say "rules are meant to be broken".) Also, it showed how people try to cling onto whatever glimmer of hope they manage to find so as to maintain their sanity. I actually cried when the mob lost all rationality and offered an innocent soldier as a sacrifice to the 'monsters' outside. The fact that the once perfectly logical human beings turning into a mob and acting based on instincts rather than on sense and rationality is frightening as who knows what the other would do once coherent thoughts and logic are thrown out the window. Also, the fact the glass windows were shattered by ginormous 'monster' flies signifies the intrusion of irrationality, fear and the basal instaincts of human nature.

The movie also touches on the sensitive topic of religion. "God" is mentioned frequently in the movie and a negative portrayal of the nature of God was shown which made me angry. God doesn't tell his people to kill or sacrifice others for their own survival. That is not the teachings of God! That explains why i got so mad when they sacrificed the poor soldier boy to the 'monster' for their own 'salvation'. It really doesn't reflect God teachings..

Maybe for some other viewers, they tend to overlook these underlying issues of religion and the nature of mankind cos they watch it purely for the entertainment value alone. But, i'm someone who thinks quite alot and like to ponder and reflect upon the hidden meanings behind every story, be it in a film, a novel or during interactions between individuals. "Protege" was also another movie which left a deep impact on me and opened my eyes up to the side of life - one which was filled with drugs, alcohol and abuse. I think it was that movie which made me swear never to try drugs.

1 comment:

B e n j a m i n said...

yes u enjoyed the show, but most of the time u were jumping in ya seat and covering ya eyes when those giant bugs flew in... tsk tsk .... but yeah it was a good. *winK*z